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Where can I buy an adult hoop?

Where Can I buy hula hoop

Q: Where do I get a hula hoop?

(scroll down to find a links to hoop makers all over the world or see the Hoop Love Coach Directory)

Want to join in the hoop fun, joy and fitness? You are going to need to get yourself the right hula hoop.

Not a kid’s one.

Kid’s hoops are for kid’s, if you are an adult you will need an adult-sized hoop.

Below is a list of places online that you can buy a durable, easy to use, hula hoop for fitness, dancing and play.

Learn Hula Hoop Online how to hual hoop

Tip: Contact the hoop maker and ask them what hoop size they recommend for you, let them know if you are a beginner.

All of these hula hoop makers are small businesses run by hoopers or flow artists so they understand exactly what hoopers need. Please purchase your hoops from hooper-run or flow artist-run businesses that understand your needs (the hoops that are sold at department stores or toy stores are not made for hoop dancing or hoop tricks, they will not last and will likely be the wrong size and weight for you)

Do not purchase a kids hoop or a very heavy fitness hoop if you want to dance, move, play and be free with your hoop dance and tricks.

Talk to the hoop maker or online store to decide what is the best hoop for your needs.

Support your community, support small business, connect with the creators and makers who understand hooping not large corporations who have no idea about hooping; so that you can enjoy a healthy, safe and creative experience with the right hoop for you!

Buy an Adult Hula Hoop Online in Australia

Mermaid Hooping (Melbourne International Shipping)

Hula Hoop Brisbane 10% off with code SUPPORTLOCAL  (Brisbane)

Suzy Spindoll School of Hooping (Sydney)

Three Worlds Australia (Use coupon code “hooplovers” to get 5% off for each order)


Buy an Adult Hula Hoop in South America

Hoop Rio Rio de Janeiro @hooprio

Hula.La  Ecuador


Buy an Adult Hula Hoop in Europe

One Stop Hoop Shop (UK International Shipping)

Jennie Brennen (UK International Shipping)

Svet Hoopingu (Czech Republic)

raumKreise / Bella Ressy (Germany)

The Hoop Culture (Austria)

Hoop Werk (Switzerland)

Hoopseas Hoopers  (Kent, UK)

Buy an Adult Hula Hoop in USA

Hipnotic Hoopla  New Haven, CT

Color Me Hoopy Central NJ

Honeysuckle Hooping  Fargo, North Dakota

Hoopitude South Carolina

Divine Hoop Dance (California)

The Hoop Junky Chattanooga

DanceHoops  California


Buy an Adult Hula Hoop in Canada

The Hoop Fairy Vancouver, BC Canada



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You can also find more Hoop Love Coaches who are selling hoops on the Hoop Love Coach Directory here




Hoops not to buy: a kid’s hoop, a huge/clunky/bumpy fitness hula hoop or a small diameter lightweight hoop.

If you are buying online and unsure of the right size, contact the seller and let them know your Floor to Belly Button dimensions, as well as your height and ask them to recommend a good size for you as a beginner.

7 Day Waist Hooping Challenge (free on

Free Waist Hooping Online Challenge with Deane Love